What are Some Tips for Keeping Kids Entertained During a Long Move?

Sometimes, the most challenging aspect of a move is keeping the kids content and entertained. If your children will be right there with you during your move, it’s best to go into the experience prepared. Moving can be long and tedious for children, so keep reading for tips on making it more fun.
Devon Wayne

Devon Wayne

Owner of .

Plan and Prepare Some Activities, Have Storytelling Games, Snack Breaks

Keeping kids entertained during a long move can be challenging, but it is possible with the right tips.

1. Firstly, please plan and prepare some activities for them in the car.

    ● keep some toys or coloring books handy.

    ● Play music they like so they have something to enjoy while sitting still.

2. Secondly, get creative – bring out their imaginations!

    ● Have storytelling games where one person starts a sentence, and another has to build on it until you reach an ending point of your choice – this will help pass the time quickly and work on children’s writing skills as well.

3. Finally, remember snack breaks!

    ● Pack plenty of food items that are fun and easy to eat, such as carrot sticks and sandwiches cut into shapes, which can make eating enjoyable yet healthy at the same time.

Get Your Kids Involved and Provide Artistic and Fun Activities

Not everyone has the wonderful fortune to have a babysitter while they are moving. Whether it’s because of summer vacation or for another reason, there are times when you have to have your children right there with you. It’s crucial to keep kids busy as you try to complete the majority of the move; there’s no need for fussy kids or kids who get in the way.

Give Your Kids a Significant Assignment
Children enjoy receiving adult treatment. They could only wish to assist and get engaged in the relocation. Give them an important chore that will keep them busy and away from your foot area. Ensuring the dog doesn’t get in the way or, if they’re older, ensuring no traffic is approaching while the moving truck is backing in might be examples of this duty. You should keep in mind that smaller children often have a shorter attention span, so be sure to just provide brief chores and have plenty of them prepared.

Journals, Scrapbooks, and Other Artistic Endeavors
Making a scrapbook about their previous house, school, and friends they’ll be leaving behind, writing their thoughts and recollections in a diary, creating a photo album, etc., may provide older children hours of enjoyment and closure. On Moving Day, an older child can get creative and work on a variety of crafts; just make sure you have the supplies available.

Set up a Fun Activity Box
Making a fun activity box with age-appropriate materials like coloring books, puzzles, craft tools, and tiny toys is one of the greatest ways to keep your children occupied during a move. Younger children can be entertained while keeping larger children from being overly bored by having these items available throughout the relocation. When kids need something to do, place the activity box in a convenient location so they can immediately get to it.

Brian Jones

Brian Jones

Co-founder & Contributing Editor of .
Steve May

Steve May

Packs Snacks, Prepare a Bag of Surprises, and Play Some Audiobooks

Pack Snacks
A hungry child is not fun to deal with, so start with the basics of ensuring that you pack enough snacks, even some that feel like a treat. I recommend bringing a multi-section container filled with various treats for them to choose from. Remember, food is the best entertainer for most kids. Just give them something to chew on during your road trips and they’re good. Whenever we have long road trips with the kids, my first packed item is a full box of food and snacks.

Bring fun Surprises
I also recommend preparing a bag of surprises and allowing them to choose an item every half-hour during the journey. For budget-friendly finds, check out places like the Dollar Store or Target Dollar Spot. It can become a highlight for them during the trip! When they get bored, you can get them to blindly pick a surprise, probably a toy or a book or whatever, and have them entertained ’till they need to get another one.

Play Audiobooks
Lastly, play some audiobooks. You can get an Audible subscription as a replacement for the latest kids’ song collection, especially if you’d rather not endure Old MacDonald continuously. You can have them listen to a kid’s audiobook and stories that will keep them entertained for hours. For those children who like stories but might feel queasy reading in the car, audiobooks are an excellent option. Plus, it’s a chance for the entire family to share a story while traveling.

Hold onto Favorite Toys, Stop Somewhere Fun, and Have Plenty of Snacks

Bring Their Favorite Toys and Activities
One of the most important things is to ensure that your kids have access to their favorite toys and activities during the move so they don’t get bored or restless. Pack some of their favorite items in a separate bag from the rest of your stuff and make sure it’s easily accessible for them throughout the journey. A few toys or books will go a long way towards keeping them occupied while also providing distraction in case any unexpected delays arise along the way.

Plan to Stop Somewhere Fun
Another great tip is to plan out your route ahead of time so you know what attractions are available for kids along the way. For example, if you’re traveling through Pennsylvania, try stopping off at Gettysburg National Military Park where there are plenty of historical sites and educational activities that your children can explore! You can also look up local parks and playgrounds where they can run around and get some much needed exercise after being confined inside for hours on end.

Have Snacks on Hand
Finally, let them bring along snacks that they enjoy such as crackers or granola bars so they don’t get too hungry during longer stretches without food stops on the road trip – not only will this help keep their stomachs satisfied but it’ll give them something else to occupy their attention with as well! No one wants HANGRY kids, am I right?

Jo Larsen

Jo Larsen

Owner and Lead Writer at .

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